Sunday, June 28, 2009


This has been a crazy week with a lot of sadness and death? If you believe in God; do you believe He is showing us we ALL need to get houses in order.

If you read the Bible it says things about the catastrophe that will grip the world in the end times. Now don't quote me, but i believe it says a man of color will lead world in the end, which is particularly peculiar considering the historic election of President Obama. I think we all need to take some time away from the world and spend more time with our friends, family and more importantly ourselves. If not now, when? Get your house in order!

Rest In Eternal Peace Mary Mason (Grandma)

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Purpose-less Friend?

How do you weed out unneccessary people in your life? I believe its true; you grow out of friends like you grow out of underwear, only growing out of underwear is much easier to do, when you're done with them, you simply throw them away. But is it fair to do that with your friends? Why do we feel obligated to keep people in our circle who continue to prove themselves purposeless in your life?

I believe one does themself an extreme disservice by allowing unneccassary individuals to crowd thier life. There is no book for dummies about how to get rid of a bad you just stop calling? Duck them long enough, until they get the picture? Maybe, however is that fair to the friend? Another avenue to embark upon is; honesty. "Hey friend, i thought i'd tell you; Im just not that into you anymore! The truth is a friendship is just like any other relationship and it takes honesty, communication, and a strategic planning to bow out of one.
According to; Here are all the signs that you are in a friendship thats bad for you. (Article by Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen)

How to Know if Your Friendship is Unhealthy

  • You might consider ending a friendship if:
  • You don’t feel respected, and your friend doesn’t seem to hear your concerns. For instance, they may be constantly late meeting you and then disregard your feelings. Or they borrow money and neglect to repay it, or borrow items and return them broken or not at all. Ending those unhealthy friendships may be better for you.
  • You can’t speak your mind honestly, or can’t find space in the conversation to speak at all (healthy boundaries don't exist with bad friends).
    You leave your visits feeling depressed, frustrated, exhausted, depleted or angry. A friend should leave you feeling happy, content, connected, and hopeful. A bad friend makes you feel bad.
  • Your friend behaves immorally, unethically, illegally, or in any way that runs counter to your beliefs and values. Ending friendships may be the best thing for both of you.
  • Your friend never makes the effort to call or visit you. You find yourself reaching out, with minimal success. Sometimes you don't even need to formally end a friendship with bad friends, it just happens naturally. Unhealthy friendships often die a natural death.
    You're friends with an energy vampire (a type of bad friend). Ending unhealthy friendships could protect your well-being.

Full Article:

Papa wants to know: How do you end Unhealthy Friendships?

King Of Pop; Dies at Age 50

First and Angel (Farrah Fawcett) now a King. Micheal Jackson is dead this morning, apparently the King of Pop went into Cardiac Arrest aroung 5:30 pm yesterday evening. After being rushed to the hospital, CNN reported Micheal dead at approximately 6:30 pm. Its always sad when we lose someone GREAT but I'm not sure anyone could have imagined that we would lose the King of Pop so soon in his life.

Maybe it was the bad press that caused all the stress, or maybe the many mental disorders I believe the King had, but its sad when an American dream comes to such a tragic end. What do you think happened to Micheal?? Please leave your condolences.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Seven dead in D.C. Metro rail crash!

How soon we forget how precious life is. Everytime your eyes open to another dawn, you have been granted another opportunity to be the very best you can be, i pity anyone who would take advantage of those opportunities. This tragedy really puts a new perspective on life, perhaps its because it's my city, my neighbors, my friends and my family, whatever it is there is something heartwrenching about this unexpected loss. I think every victim of this crash has taught us to take a little more time to say "I love You" in the morning...

Rip to DC Metro Victims,0,1754691.story